Your Dreams and Financial Freedom
Part 2
Let's talk about why you are here. What made you search for the subjects to which this article refers?
Was it your dreams or was it financial freedom?
I am glad you found us, there are plenty of options and sites to choose. Some are trustworthy, and you can learn a lot from them, but they have moved to the pay to play format. Others will leave you even more lost and discourage and confused than you already are, with less money than when you started.
Are you looking to publish a book perhaps your first novel, or possibly a how-to book? Maybe you are an aspiring songwriter and would like to publish your first song. Then again you probably want to start a blog or podcast to instruct others about a particular service you offer or teach a trade, or launch your invention.
Here is what we can do for you.
1. Provide a definite starting point.
2. Motivate you to move forward with your plan.
3. Show you how all this inter/web stuff work.
4. Not take your hard earned money.
For example, you want to write a book. The chances of you writing and completing your first masterpiece and that masterpiece getting a publishing contract by one of the big publishing companies are not so great.
However, the story just has to be told. You cannot keep it in any longer. Your co-worker tells you to self-publish it, she or he said, "it is easy, my cousins, uncles, brothers, sister did it. Just go online and research self-publishing."
I bet that got you bent and twisted.
The advice you probably received was confusing and expensive.
Now, look back at step one, a definite starting point. Have you written the book? Are you writing the book? Not sure of the first sentence. Sorry, we cannot help you with that.
Do you have a facebook.com account, twitter.com account, or a Gmail account?
If you do, we can show you how to use them as your platform to announce the up and coming work of art. The best part you can do this for free.
Our cost is the same. Go ahead blink your eyes, rub them, take your glasses off and use that special cloth to wipe them clean and shake your head.
After you have completed that ritual you will see that our cost to help you is the same, we will not charge you one cent.
Why, because after we help you, we want you to help us and anyone else who might join our network.
How do I do that? You may ask.
The internet churns because of the numbers. The numbers are you and me, every time we long on and perform a particular action, click, like, share, etc., the internet takes note.
Those activities described above made facebook.com, google.com amazon.com and a multitude of other websites and social media companies billion dollar corporations.
The real anomaly is the sites listed above do not charge, you to signup or use their service. Regardless they have been able to amass enormous fortunes.
The proven method of being able to do such a thing is time and people, but you have to utilize both wisely.

Time used productively to learn how to use the tools we have available to us in this age of technology to accomplish our dreams.
Develop relationships with people preferably like-minded individuals that can help share our accomplishments with others.
Using our time and valuable relationships as leverage to achieve financial freedom.
The results:
Using our time and valuable relationships as leverage to achieve financial freedom.
You can try and do this on your own, but the odds and favor are with the many.
Try putting one grain of sugar in your cornflakes, or one grain of salt on your fried potatoes, now tell me does it taste any different.
I usually use three spoons of sugar, and several shakes of salt to get the taste just right.
Again what I will offer you is the know how or knowledge to get you started on a path to achieving your dreams, you help me grow a network of like-minded people who will help each other to achieve their individual goals.
Let's get started with the first step.
Send an email to iincmm@iincmm.com.
I am willing to work with ten people at a time.

Even with any major success, the ultimate dream is to help others do the same.
I have always wanted to be a teacher, to liberate the young and old minds alike.
Today's technology makes this all the more attainable, all we have to do is reach out.
What good is a book without a reader what good is a song without someone to listen to it? What good is a teacher if there is no one to teach?
Again I am willing to help 10 people at a time to take the road less traveled, imagine living day to day without having to think about money. That is an awesome dream, I know, I did it for 1 year, it was liberating.
If you have not read Part 1 click this link.

The Dream Button or Money Bags
Here are my current books that have been self-published. You can find them where ever books are sold. All are available in paperback and eBook. Except I Am Nate, I Am Nate is an experiment and is only available in eBook format.

1 Step To Financial Independence short video series on youtube.

1 Step To Financial Independence Against The Clock

1 Step To Financial Independence The Elephant In The room

1 Step To Financial Independence A Field Of Carrots

1 Step To Financial Independence And Your $168 Paycheck

1 Step To Financial Independence A Distant Planet Far Away

1 Step To Financial Independence A 2x4 Right Between the Eyes
Get the eBook 1 Step To Financial Independence
Available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076DHSG44
Available @ www.iincmm.com 1-Step-To-Financial-Independence
When you have finished reading this book, and decide to start the journey, but need help, you are not alone, if you need help send me an email.
The biggest thing you should take away from this eBook is you do not have to do it alone. We have been groomed to believe that we need to work out our own financial problems. But big business and big government know that there is strength in numbers. - 1 Step to Financial Independence
Get your copy of this eBook for only $4.99 cent.
Why only $4.99 cent? Four Dollars and Ninety-Nine cents is a little more than the price of a cup of coffe or a cheap burger meal deal. Which means you will have to make one cup of coffee at home one day and pack a lunch one day. But if you are serious about your financial health and are looking to make a positive change in your life. The information to help you do so should not send you to the bank to get a loan. And if you would like to see how you can make that money back and put $5 in your pocket email us @ iincmm@iincmm.com.

Get 1 Step to Financial Independence click here or order below.
The Bluest Eyes Mind Travel Case Study 2

If you have been curious about an online business, but do not have a plan or a clue. Perhaps it is the cost of getting started that makes you a little tepid.
Above are five steps or keys you can use to get started. See if you can go from no money to start making a little money online. The best part, you pay nothing, learn to earn.

See if it really is possible to go from saying "I got no money, no money, no money," to making money online.
Money Bags Coming Soon July 1st 2017 Get Ready To Play! The money bags are hiding in plain view through out this site find ten money bags then email the codes to iincmm@iincmm.com. Privacy Policy

IinCmm is seeking 10 Mobile Marketeers, Help Wanted.
Would you like to know how to setup your own store online without having to pay a monthly fee or setting up a blog or website.
If you are looking for an easier, less hands on way of making an income online. Watch the video An Online Income Is Possible to see how to get started.
If you are here to be entertained welcome, continue scrolling.

Please browse my site and see the possibilities, leave a comment, buy a book, and help me take off to the next level. I have chosen my book Ever Tangled With Lightning to be my leading work. I hope you enjoy and remember what it was like before life changed our perception of the world.

Continue Reading Below----->

Dream button has been activated. If you are looking for a relative easy game that rewards 1in100 with a $100 gift card, look no further and to make it more interesting for the month of September all who play will have a chance to win $1000 in cash. For details click or touch the button.
Social Networking that pays! Become a mobile marketeer Today!
Earn Money - We will pay you for your help!
Need a Push or Proof - Pudding Recipes!
Be Entertained - Enjoy!
When someone is telling you a funny, sad, personal story. You may hear words but if somewhere in the story, you do not start visualizing what is being said. You truly will have lost the real reason the story was being told.
The next time you or someone close to you tell a story, express their deep inner feelings, converse with you on their future endeavors, look into their eyes and try to see with your minds eye what they are saying.
What about you, if you are striving to achieve financial freedom, want to by a new car, looking to purchase a your first house, start a business, become the vice president of your company. Your words need to be backed up by your vision.
If you can see what you truly desire, if you see the vision before anyone else, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
The old statement "set your mind to it" or "the minds eye" should now have a visual connotation accompanying it.
Live the financial freedom dream?
Not long ago I quit my Job to pursue a writing career, I have financed this endeavor by using a financing principle I learned a few years ago.
However I have not been able to secure a publishing deal with a Major Publisher.
I decided not to let that stop me, there are plenty of opportunities in the indie publishing community so I decided to self publish my books. During this process I learned that there are really two main ways to self publish. Continue Reading Below...
"Beware of the one proclaiming peace
Often you will find that one waging war
Though the words are soothing and calm
The actions of such a person are revealing" Peace and Security a Novel

Do it yourself or Done for you, and that there was a lot of misconceptions about the process as to how to self publish and how much money it would take.
Then I realized with all of the confusion and misinformation, it is possible that others may want to get published, but were being turned away by the distortion and static from the internet.
Speaking of dreams did I mention that the Dream Button is now active and free to play. The best part 1 person out of 100 will win a $100 gift card of their choice. No Purchase Necessary.
But, if you insist on buying one of my books the links are below.
If you are not in the buying mood, and new to this site, I have provided links to my free works of Art below.
We hope you Laugh, Cry, Sing, Imagine, Create and be moved to tell others, but most of all DREAM.

Find IinCmm.com on facebook.com
Find IinCmm.com on twitter.com
IinCmm.com on Instagram
Fact Your Money is not Yours!
Money is owned by the Federal Reserve!
A select group of Rich Individuals own the Federal Reserve!
The pursuit of money will enslave you to the Rat Race!
Are you seeking financial freedom? Yes No
If Yes Sign In If No Enjoy the Race
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The digital age has changed the relative positions of Government, Big Business and us.
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How can the theft of a laptop cause a system of corruption, greed, and power to be changed for ever. It starts here.
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