Where are you going? and, How are you going to get there?
A husband wakes up one Saturday morning at five am takes a shower, shaves, brushes his teeth, gets dress, kisses his wife on the cheek and rushes out the door.
The wife is a little confused as she watched the husbands usual but unusual behavior. She looks at the calendar and takes a mental note of the day. "It is Saturday," she says to herself. She notice her husband left the keys to the car on the table.
Making her way to the front door with keys in her hand, she steps on to the front porch. She watches her husband standing at the car feeling his pockets. While she dangles the keys from her finger tips.
She ask, "Where are you going?"
"To work." Facing the car He shouts back without turning his head.
"How are you going to get there?" She playfully returns a coy response.
"The same way I always do." Shaking his head.
"Okay, but how are you going to get there," she asked again.
"In this car," still not looking at her.
"Yes, but how are you going to get there?" Not letting him off the hook.
"I am going to take a right out of the driveway, then a left onto Same Old Story Road, drive a couple of miles, take a right onto Broken Back Avenue and a right onto Pain In My Butt Boulevard. Anymore questions." His annoyance was now fully revealed.
"What do you plan to do when you get there?" She presses the unlock button on the key remote.
The car beeps and the locks disengage.
The husband finally turns and holds out his hands.
The wife tosses the keys to him and he catches them, turns and opens the door and starts to get in the car.
"You know that it is Saturday right? The wife smiled.
"Why of course..." he stops, looks at his phone's calendar.
"You have never worked a Saturday and the office is not even open on Saturday's." She turned and walked into the house, expecting her husband to follow shortly.
You maybe all prepared to go and have a plan. You may know where you are going, and how you are going to get there.
Sometimes we are so caught up in the same routine, so absorbed in what we do each day that we fail to turn and catch the keys.
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Please browse my site and see the possibilities, leave a comment, buy a book, and help me take off to the next level. I have chosen my book Ever Tangled With Lightning to be my leading work. I hope you enjoy and remember what it was like before life changed our perception of the world.

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When someone is telling you a funny, sad, personal story. You may hear words but if somewhere in the story, you do not start visualizing what is being said. You truly will have lost the real reason the story was being told.
The next time you or someone close to you tell a story, express their deep inner feelings, converse with you on their future endeavors, look into their eyes and try to see with your minds eye what they are saying.
What about you, if you are striving to achieve financial freedom, want to by a new car, looking to purchase a your first house, start a business, become the vice president of your company. Your words need to be backed up by your vision.
If you can see what you truly desire, if you see the vision before anyone else, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
The old statement "set your mind to it" or "the minds eye" should now have a visual connotation accompanying it.
Live the financial freedom dream?
Not long ago I quit my Job to pursue a writing career, I have financed this endeavor by using a financing principle I learned a few years ago.
However I have not been able to secure a publishing deal with a Major Publisher.
I decided not to let that stop me, there are plenty of opportunities in the indie publishing community so I decided to self publish my books. During this process I learned that there are really two main ways to self publish. Continue Reading Below...
"Beware of the one proclaiming peace
Often you will find that one waging war
Though the words are soothing and calm
The actions of such a person are revealing" Peace and Security a Novel

Do it yourself or Done for you, and that there was a lot of misconceptions about the process as to how to self publish and how much money it would take.
Then I realized with all of the confusion and misinformation, it is possible that others may want to get published, but were being turned away by the distortion and static from the internet.
Speaking of dreams did I mention that the Dream Button is now active and free to play. The best part 1 person out of 100 will win a $100 gift card of their choice. No Purchase Necessary.
But, if you insist on buying one of my books the links are below.
If you are not in the buying mood, and new to this site, I have provided links to my free works of Art below.
We hope you Laugh, Cry, Sing, Imagine, Create and be moved to tell others, but most of all DREAM.

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If you would like to share in the marketing, and publishing as well as the profits of this Novel. We will be waiting for your email @ iincmm@iincmm.com
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