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What Are You Working For by Arthur S. Newman
There is a powerful financial principle to achieve financial freedom that anyone can do, using the money you already make. However do to various arguments that have been made about this principle, many get turned off and never see it for what it really is.
Before we discuss this powerful financial principle that can start you down the path to financial independence, lets engage the question.
What are you working for?
I hope you were not expecting me to answer this question for you.
In fact you should have been able to narrow your list to five items, whether you are single or with family.
The fascinating thing about that question is most people answered, "I got to pay the bills," "The bills won't pay themselves," or some variation of that answer.
Now before you dismiss the validity of the answer, by stating, "They did not know what your were really asking."
Paying your bills is a valid answer. So, my next question is.
What if all of your bills are paid every month?
What are you working for?
Here is where it gets tricky and the answers start to vary, but still the same outcome. The majority of the people asked, said they would spend the extra money on new cell phones, new shoes or clothes, a new tv, a new video game, basically they would spend the money.
However, this question is not about what you would do with the extra money.
The reason for the question, is to make you stop for a minute and ponder. Why do I get up every morning and go to a job, I do not like anymore? Why do I put up with a boss that only cares about how much he or she can get out of me, for the least amount of money the company is willing to pay? Except for my yearly vacation, I do the same thing over and over everyday. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be like?
In this article we are going to talk about another answer to; What are you working for? This answer could help you retire debt free which includes your house being paid for and you will be able to say I have obtained financial freedom.
The best thing about this answer is, anyone can do it.
Do you ever make the following statements.
I am not a robot I am a human of flesh and blood with real feelings, with real desires, passions and dreams. I want so much more out of this life.
Maybe you are content with your current life, if so than you are a robot obeying the same preprogrammed routines automatically, you do not even have to think, just do.
Some of you are saying hey wait a minute, I enjoy my job, and I am doing exactly what I want to do. I am completely happy and content with my current circumstances.
That still do not negate the question. What are you working for?
I had someone say to me, "Your site is all about working for yourself, and starting your own business. What if I do not want to have my own business? It is too much trouble."
That still does not negate the question. What are you working for?
The question is asked to get you to focus on tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and eventually the years will take you to a time when you can no longer work. For some, sooner than later based on your current age or unexpected events that could shorten our work life.
What if the answer is, I am working to buy back my freedom or if you are just getting started, I am working to secure my freedom.
"Time moves in one direction."
The work force is created of wage earners, trading time for money. So, at some point the money earned should buy back some of that time.
For most of the working public, if you work for one week you get 2 days off, two days of parole, 2 days of freedom. If you work one year you get one year of vacation. One week of freedom, the time you gave, was it worth it.
I just read a story about a gentleman who had the same life you and I, have or had. He suffered through the losses and gains that life has to offer, until he finally had enough of the losses. Theses losses also included the unexpected loss of his job more than twice. He spent twenty years creating a system that allowed him to retire at the age of 50. He says, in his book he no longer has to work for money and now he has enough assets that work for him.
The old cliche stop working for money and have money work for you.
Will that be your outcome, is that what your are working for?
By now you are asking yourself. Why then should I waste my time reading this article?
We consistently go to sleep, got to work, pay the bills, and do it all over again day after day.
What if we put consistency to work to create a new path by using the current daily routine, that will allow us freedom to decide what tomorrow will be like, instead of waiting for whatever may come.
If you have read this far, then you are looking for more than what your current status has to offer.
Thank you for being patient with me, here is a method that can help you with your pursuit of being more than just satisfied with the rudimentary day to day drudgery. Continue Reading ...
The Two Indians and the Rich Land Baron
A short illustration about the lost of our inheritance.
If the poor want what the middle class have and the middle class want what the rich and powerful have what do the rich and powerful want?
Two Indians lived on a large island with their families. They had no money, Read More...

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Fact Your Money is not Yours!
Money is owned by the Federal Reserve!
A select group of Rich Individuals own the Federal Reserve!
The pursuit of money will enslave you to the Rat Race!
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