New release
To celebrate Arthur S. Newman's new release Little Artie and His Treasure Chest of Words we are happy to announce this special that will run through April, 2020.
Follow a brave Captain and his small crew of Pirates as they brave the open seas and a raging storm.
The Captain is mocked by a cloud that is shaped like a dragon. As they approach the coast of Australia the storm rages on, but this time it threatens to swallow the ship and it's small crew. The race against time and a quest for glory can only be matched by the safety of their hideout and the treasure that awaits them.
Little Artie and His Treasure Chest of Words
The movie is narrated by the author and is jam packed with sound effects. However the special feature is that your child will be increasing their vocabulary effortlessly every time they watch it.
View and Share the PDF document below for links and details.
Little Artie and His Treasure Chest of Words
The Interactive Video or ePub
Only 3.99
Get a free download with the purchase of the hardcover from
Get a free download with the purchase of the kindle edition from

Ever Tangled With Lightning The Bear and The Storm
The Interactive Video or ePub
Only 3.99
Get a free download with the purchase of the hardcover from
Get a free download with the purchase of the kindle edition from

It is simple we will trade you a copy of either the Interactive Video or ePub for a copy of your purchase receipt or invoice of the Hardcover from or the kindle edition from Our email is take advantage of this special offer through April, 2020.
View and Share the PDF document below for links and details.
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