Canvas Foxwell tried to do the right thing. She notified her superiors, reporting what she thought was a monumental discrepancy in the numbers. It was more. A serious miscarriage of justice and loyalty would soon follow. Then she found out the truth, but it was too late. The last thing she saw was the ominous text. "If You Run You Can't Hide".
"If You Run You Can't Hide" A Novel by Arthur S. Newman
Arthur S. Newman is preparing to release a new novel. I always look forward to a fresh book launch. What I find frustrating is the process of shopping my book to Literary Agents. Frankly, I am tired of the current process, write a dazzling letter about yourself and your book to attract someone you will never hear from. As much as I would love to lasso the attention of a Literary Agent, I do not want to write one hundred letters to one hundred agencies...STOP. Doesn't that sound so futile. There has to be another way.
Here is my letter to any agents looking for a dynamic author who writes compelling novels that are real page turners.
New Novel - Literary Agents are Welcome to Inquire.
Now that I have gotten that nonsense out of the way. I will turn my attention to the reader. If you are looking for a book that captures the imagination please check out one of my previous novels. To my fans who have been taking the crazy ride with me since my first novella and first novel. I will be releasing a new mystery with a twist, please stay tuned.
A writer is like a magician, who shows the trick but doesn't reveal the secret. Arthur has woven together an intricate story of deception and mistrust. Although he loses his main character, can he find redemption for the reader by the end of the book?
Arthur S. Newman has completed a new Novel about a Bank Manager who discovers sizable sums of money being shifted throughout multiple branches. After disclosing the discrepancies, Canvas Foxwell disappears.
Canvas Foxwell, is known for her kindness and smart financial wizardry. The Northern Neck is known for its peaceful serenity, aesthetic beauty and picturesque landscapes of water, trees and bridges. It is a wonderful place to visit and to live except if you disappear, then the story doesn't end well for you.
If You Run You Can't Hide - The Death Benefit - Canvas Foxwell
Email us for a Special Review Copy of the Audio Book @
Warning: Proceed at your own Risk!
Suzanne Snow knows that her patient is running out of time but how much of herself is she willing to give?
"Why a psychiatrist and not a rocket scientist?"
"The brain in a way is more complex, and space seems so unattainable. Sure we can send rockets into outer space, but once we get there you are so limited. And living in such a tiny living space would cramp my style."
"So, what was so dark about your choice?"
"I do not normally tell this to my patients, but since you and I have shared human subjugation by an unopposed force... Something few will ever experience and survive to talk about." Suzanne took a breath, as if to reminisce about our recent ordeal.
"Sounds like you are preparing to drop a bomb on me."
"When I was eleven, almost twelve, I experienced a horrible transition through puberty, I felt as though life had given me a raw deal. I also had a friend and we would feed off each other's misery. Eventually this led to us making a horrible decision that haunts me to this day." She stopped.
"You just keep on giving don't cha. How did you shake the shadow of death?"
"A lot of time is spent focusing on reasons why we don't want to live, but all it takes is that one reason why we should keep on living." Doctor Suzanne Snow answered. - Excerpt from - Killing Myself - Traversing Minds Stars Here - Do Not judge this book by its title!
Look for: Doing Business as Kevin Templeton Soon!
Who is Kevin Templeton? Con Artist? Scammer? Street Hustler? Schemer? Or! Just maybe he is hiding something even darker.
Then again, Kevin Templeton may just be trying to make things right. A good guy just trying to overcome a life of trouble after growing up in foster homes and, in between those foster homes, short stints living on the streets. Perhaps he is a successful businessman and philanthropist. Could it be true? That behind every dark cloud is a silver lining.
“Even if I am sent away, I should not doubt that I have lived a better life than the one that is promised to most individuals.” Kevin still smiled even though he was weeks from receiving a possible sentence for insurance fraud. And is being hounded by an FBI agent who believes he is a serial killer.
And if that is not bad enough, Kevin is the number one suspect in Sharon Alverson's hunt for a serial killer and eight missing persons. And as she continues to explore the death certificates signed by Kevin, she is hot on his trail, five down and eight to go.
I would like to add a disclaimer: no one was killed in the writing of this book, or not ??? Like I said, I would like to add this disclaimer.
To celebrate Arthur S. Newman's new release Little Artie and His Treasure Chest of Words we are happy to announce this special that will run through April, 2020.
Follow a brave Captain and his small crew of Pirates as they brave the open seas and a raging storm.
The Captain is mocked by a cloud that is shaped like a dragon. As they approach the coast of Australia the storm rages on, but this time it threatens to swallow the ship and it's small crew. The race against time and a quest for glory can only be matched by the safety of their hideout and the treasure that awaits them.
The movie is narrated by the author and is jam packed with sound effects. However the special feature is that your child will be increasing their vocabulary effortlessly every time they watch it.
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ETWL The Bear and The Storm Interactive Video
It is simple we will trade you a copy of either the Interactive Video or ePub for a copy of your purchase receipt or invoice of the Hardcover from or the kindle edition from Our email is take advantage of this special offer through April, 2020.
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