Ever Tangled With Lightning Interactive Video


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A young boy devises an unusual plan to help his grandparents with the power bill. Trouble ensues when the plan consist of him trying to capture the lightning. Will his imagination get the best of him or will the lightning?

Interactive Video is Ever Tangled With Lightning Illustrated set free.

The Interactive Video is jammed packed.

You will discover Ever Tangled With Lightning Illustrated and Interactive on any device you choose via a downloadable video.

The download will contain an interactive video of the book, plus bonus material, including a music video, photo gallery, and original trailer. You will watch in delight as the story comes to life.

Interactive means this book is going to delight your sight, hearing, and touch as well as ignite your imagination. I have added video and audio, to the Ever Tangled With Lightning Interactive version, and let's not forget narration.

As a child, we see the world different it is full of possibilities to counteract the impossible. Every problem we experience has a solution. We fall down we get back up and try again. The essence of Ever Tangled With Lightning is if at first you don't succeed, learn your lesson, don't do it again and on to the next adventure. Ever Tangled With Lightning is Chapter 7 of the original book and now it is illustrated. You may live once but the many experiences life has to offer are yours to cherish and preserve or abhor and despise. The imagination, however, will push you to explore both ends of the spectrum. Imaginative Exhilarating Frightening Liberating Stay tuned for Ever Tangled With Lightning Interactive

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*This video is optimized for all devices.

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