I wanted to draw and write since I could remember. I entered my first drawing contest when I was four years old. I saw this contest in the back of a TV Guide and the top prize was a Art Scholarship. So I drew the cartoon image in the article and mailed it off to the address listed.
I received a letter from the representatives of the contest denying my entry because they could not believe I drew the picture at the age of four. They claimed I either traced the picture or had my parents draw it for me.

At that point I abandon the dream of becoming a world famous artist. I started reading books by the boat load in between getting in trouble for my over active imagination.
Shortly there after I started writing poems and later they turned into songs but I never had the courage to reach for anything greater than my own satisfaction.
Since those early days I have come a long way, many years have passed and have broken out of my shell.
I have self published a couple of my songs and a couple of books.
This site is my starting point and I am offering you a chance to join the ride. I have included for free a collection of my short stories for your reading pleasure.
Please browse my site and see the possibilities, leave a comment, buy a book, and help me take off to the next level. I have chosen my book Ever Tangled With Lightning to be my leading work. I hope you enjoy and remember what it was like before life changed our perception of the world.

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Dream button has been activated. If you are looking for a relative easy game that rewards 1in100 with a $100 gift card, look no further and to make it more interesting for the month of September all who play will have a chance to win $1000 in cash. For details click or touch the button.
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When someone is telling you a funny, sad, personal story. You may hear words but if somewhere in the story, you do not start visualizing what is being said. You truly will have lost the real reason the story was being told.
The next time you or someone close to you tell a story, express their deep inner feelings, converse with you on their future endeavors, look into their eyes and try to see with your minds eye what they are saying.
What about you, if you are striving to achieve financial freedom, want to by a new car, looking to purchase a your first house, start a business, become the vice president of your company. Your words need to be backed up by your vision.
If you can see what you truly desire, if you see the vision before anyone else, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
The old statement "set your mind to it" or "the minds eye" should now have a visual connotation accompanying it.
Live the financial freedom dream?
Not long ago I quit my Job to pursue a writing career, I have financed this endeavor by using a financing principle I learned a few years ago.
However I have not been able to secure a publishing deal with a Major Publisher.
I decided not to let that stop me, there are plenty of opportunities in the indie publishing community so I decided to self publish my books. During this process I learned that there are really two main ways to self publish.
Shameless plug new book Coming Soon

Do it yourself or Done for you, and that there was a lot of misconceptions about the process as to how to self publish and how much money it would take.
Then I realized with all of the confusion and misinformation, it is possible that others may want to get published, but were being turned away by the distortion and static from the internet.
Speaking of dreams did I mention that the Dream Button is now active and free to play. The best part 1 person out of 100 will win a $100 gift card of their choice. No Purchase Necessary.
But, if you insist on buying one of my books the links are below.
If you are not in the buying mood, and new to this site, I have provided links to my free works of Art below.
We hope you Laugh, Cry, Sing, Imagine, Create and be moved to tell others, but most of all DREAM.

Find IinCmm.com on facebook.com
Find IinCmm.com on twitter.com
Now On Amazon - Kindle Edition and Paperback
If you would like to share in the marketing, and publishing as well as the profits of this Novel. We will be waiting for your email @ iincmm@iincmm.com
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Espionage intrigue mystery. The digital age has changed the relative positions of Government, Big Business and us.
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