The Umbrella Clause

The Umbrella Clause is now available in hardcover, paperback, and digital.

 The Umbrella Clause -The Proofs are In

If you are getting a proof copy. I thank you in advance for taking the time to read my first Novel. I have released Novellas up to this momentous occasion. With that experience I truly understand the work and preparation that goes into releasing your first Novel. But this is just the beginning, now the marketing and promoting begins.
I am please to cap off the marketing and promoting with the release of the proof copies of The Umbrella Clause. Which lends to the reason why you are here.

The Proof Copies for The Umbrella Clause Are In
Breaking News Ad for The Umbrella Clause
Breaking News Ad for The Umbrella Clause

You can help The Umbrella Clause to become a number one best seller. Pre-Order - Coming Soon

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The Umbrella Clause to be released this winter 2020/2021.

Arthur S. Newman is seeking individuals who would like to be the first to unlock and unravel the mystery within. Can you peel the secrets away and discover who, what, when and where before Detective Charlotte Barnes does? Would you like to get a head start?

Click Here to learn about the Berkeley's and Ripley's.

Andrew W. Berkeley

Warren W. Ripley

Caroline Amelia Berkeley

Leslie Ripley

Amelia and Emily Berkeley

Amelia and Emily Berkeley

Wayne Scott Ripley

The Umbrella Clause - Life is a game until it becomes seriously deadly!

The Umbrella Clause - Unravel The Mystery

I’ve been asked what this novel is about.

At first when I try to answer the question I am at a loss for words, which is unusual for an author. Unless of course he or she is experiencing writers block. I assure you that writer's block is not the issue at all. To tell the truth I must learn to work on my elevator pitch.

The Manuscript is in and ready for editing.

Here is a new pitch for the novel The Umbrella Clause:

What would you do to protect your family, your business, your wealth, your reputation?
How much would you pay for the ultimate protection?
When friend and business partner Warren W. Ripley, who is like a fleshly brother is accused of committing the unthinkable. Billionaire Andrew W. Berkeley and his family will decide to take matters into their own hands. 
As the two families lives continue to unravel and spin out of control. It is, inevitable that both families will not survive the life altering catastrophe.
They will discover, money is not enough. 
Retribution and Revenge desires much more.
However, survival will come down to how much protection can you afford?

Below you can see the early concept artwork for a commercial if I ever get that far.

Just envision real people in the artwork.

Early Concept Artwork