A young boy devises an unusual plan to help his grandparents with the power bill. Trouble ensues when the plan consist of him trying to capture the lightning. Will his imagination get the best of him or will the lightning?
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Ever Tangled With Lightning Illustrated and Interactive Title and Copyright
My Grandparents and The Bills

With a young boys quest to achieve unlimited power and an overactive imagination, anything is possible. Almost anything!
The Power Bill
Keeping The Lights On
So Much Power
The Sun
The Wind
The Lightning
Why Pay For Power?
Considering The Cost
What can I do to help? It is bedtime, it will have to wait. End Of Section 1
I Remember Frankenstein
Bringing Frankenstein To Life
Ideas Of My Own
Eggs and Chickens
Oh No You Didn't
Good Times
I Have A Plan
Here Comes The Rain
The Reveal
The Plan 1
The Plan 2
The Plan 3
Time To Execute The Plan! End Of Section 2
Section 3
The Plan Executed
To Capture Lightning
Waiting For The Lightning
The Lightning and The Wind
Not Funny
Imagination Running Away With Me
Not Today
This Could End Horribly
My Trusty Cape
To Be Continued! End Of Section 3
Section 4
Trusty Cape Fail
Super Speed
Look At Em Go
Super Speed Fail
Imagination Best or Half
My Secret
Ever Tangled With Lightning
Based on My Two Encounters
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If You Tangle With Lightning , What Could Happen? A Shocking Development.