Creating Active Income Through Online Publishing
What about Passive Income? You may ask.
Passive income is the caveat of incomes and who doesn't dream of waking up first thing in the morning to discover while you were sleeping your financial holdings grew by another five thousand dollars. But wait, that is nothing, how about one hundred thousand dollars. The foundation was laid months even years ago, and now you watch the cash flow like unending streams of water collecting its resources from the clouds.
Yep, while you sleep, eat, engage in the novelties of life, your past activities are making you money.
Yeah, that is the dream.
You can wake up now; it is just a dream, you still have to go and make the doughnuts. Unless...
Unless you have a thriving real estate empire, several hit gold records, or you have struck it rich in the stock market, and your dividends continue to grow exponentially.
Of course, there are other streams of passive income, but likely passive income is the spawn of active income.
Each of us must learn to create streams of active income to achieve financial independence.
Active income requires time and patience and work.
Thirty to forty percent of our working time is spent earning money for someone else we eventually need to turn that time into profits that will transform, morph into passive income.
What can you actively do once and have the potential to earn money continually?
Times up, your answer, please.
That is right, if you said write a book, you are correct.
Write a book once sell it a million or more times.
Hence creating active income through online publishing. The internet has made this process obtainable for anyone willing to buy out the time.
IinCmm.com wants to help, however, since I started writing about self-publishing the cost to do so has continued to rise.
This blog has maintained the idea if you can help enough people achieve their dream those individuals will help the creator achieve his goal.
Financial Freedom

If you are interested in helping me grow the success of my books especially my next novel you know what to do.
(I am not sure what to do. Can you explain the details again?)
I am glad you asked first let me say, you do not need any money.
We web-preneur's (fancy word for an entrepreneur starting and running a business on the web) you knew that we pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to advertise on the web. However, sometimes the return on investment is slim. The reasons are many, I choose not to bore you with the details.
I have decided to pay individuals directly for their help in promoting my digital goods. The best part you do not need any startup cash.
Sound too good to be true, you will never know unless you try.

Don't wait, you could get your first payment today! IinCmm is seeking 10 Mobile Marketeers, Help Wanted. Email me @ iincmm@iincmm.com to get started.

I Want It All - Music

I Want It All is a little country, a little pop and a whole lot of feeling.
We all dream of better conditions from a personal view and a worldview.
Read More about I Want It All here.
I Am Nate - Book 1 Volume 1

The experiment is simple, just extract the DNA from your chosen subject or multiple subjects. Rewrite the code apply it to a new cell made of microbiology and nanotechnology. The perfect marriage of microbiology and Moore's Law.
Scientist has been genetically engineering our food, fruit, animals, and other plant life. You can bet they have even tested this science or technology on humans.
Now it is time to take the next step, and Robert Mckenzie has discovered the glue that will make it stick.
Can he engineer a better person or a sinister monster? SLEEPWALKERS
Innocence and Dreams - Music
You can hear the full song while listening to the narrated story, just click the play button for each part below.
Of course, purchasing the song and telling others will help the song grow in popularity.
Peace and Security - The Novel

What if you were to wake up tomorrow and war is no more completely obliterated?
What if the world's militaries refused to fight for corrupt rulers?
What if our problems are no more, settled by ambassadors instead of kings, presidents, dictators, politicians?
What if Peace and Security had an answer?
One organization believes they have the answer. They have been working out the parameters of this for decades, and now they are ready to bring their plan to fruition. They have the resources, the financial holdings, the power, and the global support and the might of powerful individuals. PEACE ANYONE
Ever Tangled With Lightning - Book

You may live once but the many experiences life has to offer are yours to cherish and preserve or abhor and despise.
The imagination, however, will push you to explore both ends of the spectrum. You just have to survive.
EXHILARATION or CALAMITY the imagination conjures both.
Read Ever Tangled With Lightning and charge your imagination.
We Are gods - The Novel

1 Step To Financial Independence short video series on youtube.

1 Step To Financial Independence Against The Clock

1 Step To Financial Independence The Elephant In The Room

1 Step To Financial Independence A Field Of Carrots

1 Step To Financial Independence And Your $168 Paycheck

1 Step To Financial Independence A Distant Planet Far Away

1 Step To Financial Independence A 2x4 Right Between the Eyes
Get the eBook 1 Step To Financial Independence
Available on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076DHSG44
Available @ www.iincmm.com 1-Step-To-Financial-Independence
When you have finished reading this book, and decide to start the journey, but need help, you are not alone, if you need help, send me an email.
The biggest thing you should take away from this eBook, is you do not have to do it alone. We have been groomed to believe that we need to work out our own financial problems. But big business and big government know that there is strength in numbers. - 1 Step to Financial Independence
Get your copy of this eBook for only $4.99 cent.
Why only $4.99 cent? Four Dollars and Ninety-Nine cents is a little more than the price of a cup of coffee or a cheap burger meal deal. Which means you will have to make one cup of coffee at home one day and pack a lunch one day. But if you are serious about your financial health and are looking to make a positive change in your life. The information to help you do so should not send you to the bank to get a loan. And if you would like to see how you can make that money back and put $5 in your pocket email us @ iincmm@iincmm.com.

Get 1 Step to Financial Independence click here or order below.
The Bluest Eyes Mind Travel Case Study 2

If you have been curious about an online business, but do not have a plan or a clue. Perhaps it is the cost of getting started that makes you a little tepid.
Above are five steps or keys you can use to get started. See if you can go from no money to start making a little money online. The best part, you pay nothing, learn to earn.

See if it really is possible to go from saying "I got no money, no money, no money," to making money online.
IinCmm is seeking 10 Mobile Marketeers, Help Wanted.
Would you like to know how to set up your own store online without having to pay a monthly fee or setting up a blog or website?
If you are looking for an easier, less hands-on way of making an income online. Watch the video An Online Income Is Possible to see how to get started.
If you are here to be entertained welcome, continue scrolling.

Please browse my site and see the possibilities, leave a comment, buy a book, and help me take off to the next level. I have chosen my book Ever Tangled With Lightning to be my leading work. I hope you enjoy and remember what it was like before life changed our perception of the world.

Continue Reading Below----->

Dream button has been activated. If you are looking for a relatively easy game that rewards 1in100 with a $100 gift card, look no further and to make it more interesting for the month of September all who play will have a chance to win $1000 in cash. For details click or touch the button.
Social Networking that pays! Become a mobile marketeer Today!
Earn Money - We will pay you for your help!
Need a Push or Proof - Pudding Recipes!
Be Entertained - Enjoy!
When someone is telling you a funny, sad, personal story. You may hear words but if somewhere in the story, you do not start visualizing what is being said. You truly will have lost the real reason the story was being told.
The next time you or someone close to you tell a story, express their deep inner feelings, converse with you on their future endeavors, look into their eyes and try to see with your mind's eye what they are saying.
What about you, if you are striving to achieve financial freedom, want to by a new car, looking to purchase your first house, start a business, become the vice president of your company. Your words need to be backed up by your vision.
If you can see what you truly desire, if you see the vision before anyone else, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
The old statement "set your mind to it" or "the mind's eye" should now have a visual connotation accompanying it.
Live the financial freedom dream?
Not long ago I quit my Job to pursue a writing career, I have financed this endeavor by using a financing principle I learned a few years ago.
However, I have not been able to secure a publishing deal with a Major Publisher.
I decided not to let that stop me, there are plenty of opportunities in the indie publishing community so I decided to self-publish my books. During this process, I learned that there are really two main ways to self-publish. Continue Reading Below...
"Beware of the one proclaiming peace
Often you will find that one waging war
Though the words are soothing and calm
The actions of such a person are revealing" Peace and Security a Novel

Do it yourself or Done for you, and that there was a lot of misconceptions about the process as to how to self-publish and how much money it would take.
Then I realized with all of the confusion and misinformation, it is possible that others may want to get published, but were being turned away by the distortion and static from the internet.
Perhaps, the number one way to make money online.
If you are not reading to get started, and new to this site, I have provided links to my free works of Art below.
We hope you Laugh, Cry, Sing, Imagine, Create and be moved to tell others, but most of all DREAM.

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Fact Your Money is not Yours!
Money is owned by the Federal Reserve!
A select group of Rich Individuals owns the Federal Reserve!
The pursuit of money will enslave you to the Rat Race!
Are you seeking financial freedom? Yes No